Stormbound: Kingdom Wars is a game that combines aspects of two different genres: strategy games, and trading card games; thus offering a unique combat system. As with Hearthstone and other similar titles, you earn a mana point for each turn, which can be used to play your cards. However, cards are not played on a simple table, but instead on a 4x5 board, where you have to show who is the one with the best strategy.
Each of your cards is worth a particular number of mana points, along with a strength, and speed level. Strength points represent how much harm your unit is able to cause to an enemy, as well as how much damage it can take before vanishing from the board. Speed points indicate the number of squares you can move in one go. Magic cards also cost mana points, and allow you to perfrom special actions.
In Stormbound: Kingdom Wars there is a detailed story mode where you get to visit several different kingdoms, tackling loads of enemies, who will use dozens of different cards against you. The most entertaining part of the game, without a doubt, is when you get to fight against other players. The average duration of these PVP (player-versus-player) face-offs is around five minutes, though a particularly fierce duel may last longer.
Stormbound: Kingdom Wars is an outstanding videogame. Besides, the artistic design of the game is stunning, with lovely, minimalist illustrations on each and every one of the cards that you can collect.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
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